Даём Джазу - Выше выше (текст песни)
I Diggidy
Is mad on the beat like this
I Diggidy
With the mind in the state of bliss
I Diggidy
In a hoodie n a grey hat
I Diggidy
Feeling better than i ever had
Cant afford a bottle of bacardi cus Im broke
But i dont report to anybody and thats dope
A career ladder got u climbin like a cliffhanger
Shouting at your families to relieve anger
And stressing is eating your flesh and bones
U a grey spot in the masses, u ashes yo
I mean u miserable, go do sumn about it
Theres no fun living the life when u r bounded
What you about? Big things or small
Are u shopping at the corner store or shoppin at the mall
Are u shopping at the corner store or shoppin at the mall
Are u shopping at the corner store or shoppin at the mall
It dont matter, cus u know Im talkin with you
Wherever you from, whoever you are, whatever you do
Its a great chance to live in this world for us
So if your car broke down go and catch a bus
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